Physical and Health Education

Classes of food &The 6 Basic groups

Meaning of Food

Food is any substance which when taken into the body of living organism is capable of maintaining growth and development. It regulates the body functions and controls harmful or dangerous substances that might enter into the body.

Different Types of Food


Basic Food Groups

It is necessary to classify food types into groups. There are five groups.

  1. Milk and milk producer group
  2. Meat group
  3. Fruits and vegetable group
  4. Bread and cereal group
  5. Tuber group


  1. What is food?
  2. How many classes of food do we have? List them.
  3. Name some foods you know.

Meaning of Food

Food is any substance which when taken into the body, serves to nourish and build up tissues as well as provide needed energy.

Classes of Food

There are six classes of food, namely:

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats and oil
  4. Mineral salts
  5. Vitamins
  6. Water
Classes of FoodSourcesFunctions
Carbohydrateyam, garri, cassava, yam
flour, maize, wheat, potato
Provides the body with
Proteinsmeat, beans, fish, soya
beans, eggs, peanuts,
cheese, chicken.
For growth and repair
of body tissues.
Fats and oilspalm oils, groundnuts oil,
butter, margarine, sardine,
pork, egusi oil,
cod liver oil
Provides the body with
heat and energy for
daily activities.
Mineral saltsmilk, meat, liver, cheese,
vegetable and sea foods
Proper functioning of
the body.
Waterrain, spring, brooks,
vegetables, fruits,
beverages and tea
For easy digestion and
maintenance of body
Vitaminsliver, eggs, fish, oil,
citrus, and tomatoes
For protection against


  1. How many groups can we classify food?
  2. What are the functions of classes of food?

Meaning of Food

Food is anything we eat whether solid or liquid that nourishes the body.

Importance of Food

Food is important for the following reasons:

  1. Food eliminates hunger
  2. It provides energy for various physical activities
  3. It enhances growth
  4. It is a resistance to disease
  5. Food makes one to recover from illness
  6. It serves as a source of income
  7. It is eaten for the purpose of adequate nutrition
  8. Food makes for healthy living

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